As I usually do around this time of year, I've been planning to post a "look ahead" into what's maybe (or maybe not) coming in the rest of the twelve months ahead, and
what I'd like to happen. This time, I was all set to actually, y'know, do it, rather than just keep putting it off until it's too late. But, the more I think about it, the more I
realise what I want to happen this year and what's likely to happen are pretty
much polar opposites.
One of the things I really struggled with
in 2021 was my inability to get pretty much anything off the ground, project wise
(everything that came out last year was actually written ages ago). Getting a steady stream of rejections flowing in over the course of the last year slowly eroded my desire to keep going, and it's left me in a weird place where I've started the new year wondering if I even want to keep doing this. As a result, I've had to step back and re-assess...well, everything, really.
So 2022 is going to be a year of making hard decisions, and accepting - and acknowledging - that certain things are just...not going to happen, that certain doors will just remain closed, and no amount of hard work will ever change that (because - spoilers! - you can work as hard as you like, and still never achieve what you set out to).
It's not a positive note to start the year on, I know, but it's a realistic one, I think, and that's something I'm going to have to be, going forward. I'm going to concentrate on the things I might actually have a chance of succeeding at (which, admittedly, is an incredibly short list, at the minute). It's going to be about working smarter, leveraging the few opportunities I have and trying to create new ones, to see where they might lead.
Will any of it work out? I really don't know. I'm not confident, given my track record last year, but I'm going to try, and, really, that's all you can do.