The world's greatest secret agent returns, in...
Targeted by the shadowy cabal known as The Dicemen, Velicity Jones finds
herself in the crosshairs of six of the world's deadliest assassins,
all of whom are locked in a race to be the first to eliminate her
as part of some twisted game.
But when she decides to turn the
tables, the world's greatest secret agent discovers just how far The
Dicemen's influence stretches...
The Dicemen Affair is the first Velicity Jones story without Dave "Bolt-01" Evans - which is, genuinely, a sentence I never thought I'd type. He was - literally - the reason we actually ended up doing
Velicity Jones at Aces Weekly in the first place, and, once we got the green light, he became an integral part of the team, helping shape the series tone and give it it's unique voice as we moved forward.
We've really felt his absence this time around, and I can only hope that we've done him proud.
As a very small token of our love and respect for Dave, Bryan and I have agreed to donate our fees from The Dicemen Affair to Survivors of Bereavement by Suicide, the charity nominated by Dave's family.
This one's for you, Dave. Rest in power.
The Dicemen Affair is - like its predecessors (The Devil's Breath, available in Aces Weekly issue 29, The Godcutter Affair, available in issue 37, The Silent Forest, available in issue 41 and The Edge Of The World, available in issue 45) - a stand alone, self-contained story, designed to be read as a whole or in weekly instalments, depending on your preference.
The story kicks off in issue 54 of Aces Weekly, which begins NEXT WEEK (or November 22nd, to be exact).
As ever, each issue of Aces Weekly will cost you £6.99 (or £1 a week, if you prefer!), and - with that one off payment - you'll get access to each new episode of The Dicemen Affair every Monday, along with the latest chapters of five other stories.
So, what're you waiting for? Go! Get it!