Free Stuff!

Here, you can find some of older, out of print strips - along with some original material, released exclusively on-line - all of which you can read for free.

If you like any of these, then you can always buy me a coffee to show your appreciation.

The Thing In The Window
Art/Letters: Bryan Coyle

When Davis is left to look after his friend's house, he becomes fascinated with an odd painting...

The Next Life
Art/Letters: Bryan Coyle

While a governess attempts to deal with two unruly children, she must also face her own secrets...

Judge Dredd: The Right To Arm Bears
Art/Letters: Bryan Coyle

While investigating a series of snuff vids, Judge Dredd is thrown into an arena and forced to fight for his life against the star of the show...

Anderson, Psi Division: I, Death
Art: Dunk Nimmo | Letters: Bolt-01

Called in to deal with a hostage situation, Judge Anderson finds herself having to face up to the fact her greatest nemesis has returned...

The Zarjaz Dailies
Art: Various | Letters: Various

Produced exclusively for the FutureQuake Press blog, these free-to-air stories take their inspiration from the daily newspaper strips.

Just Like You
Art/Letters: Bryan Coyle

A strange tale of a man who is just like you or me... Except for one little thing.

Originally appeared in Predators from Accent UK.

Free Stuff! Free Stuff! Reviewed by Unknown on 9:40 pm Rating: 5
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