Velicity Jones in... The Blind God Affair

What's this?! A surprise entry in the Velicity Jones canon?! And it's completely free?!

Very much inspired by the work we did on the Zarjaz Dailies for the old 2000AD fanzine with Dave "Bolt-01" Evans, we're kicking off a brand new, 11 part Velicity Jones daily strip, that will run right up to the launch of the brand new Velicity Jones adventure over in Aces Weekly!

The entire strip will be updated on its own page over the next 11 days, as well as being posted over on BlueSky and Mastodon.

I'm also looking to add an additional post on some of the behind the scenes stuff that went into this toward the end of the run, for all you process junkies reading this, but in the meantime, enjoy!

And remember: Velicity Jones will return... In The Hand Of Glory, coming to Aces Weekly #72 - released in just 11 days!

Velicity Jones in... The Blind God Affair Velicity Jones in... The Blind God Affair Reviewed by Lee on 10:32 am Rating: 5
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