This post and the video below kind of some up some (most?) of my feelings about social media as a whole:
I can't deny the fact that I've made some great friends and contacts via social media, and I've had more than my fair share of entertainment through the various platforms, but I've found myself engaging less and less with it over the last couple of years for a variety of reasons. I'm still active on a bunch of platforms (check the icons over on the right), but it's mainly just using them as a window to watch the world through.
The torrent of information (both real and not), voices vying for attention and the polarisation of...everything can be a bit much, I feel. I mean, everything has to be presented as a statement of fact, and be done so in a way that's as performative as possible, to prove...something? I dunno. On top of that, you're fighting with the algorithms that, ultimately, decide what you see and don't, and who sees your updates and doesn't. It's really not something I can be arsed with, if I can use the technical term.
So, I'm returning to this here blog to carry on carving out my own little corner of the web, and get away from the
I'll retain a presence on social media platforms, of course (Twitter to promote posts on here and the odd bit of self-promotion for upcoming projects, Facebook for family and Instagram for the pretty pictures), but this will be the primary place to find me.
For now, anyway.