The online zine Journey Planet hits #39 with a special Judge Dredd themed issue, helmed by Dredd scribe Michael Owen Carroll - and featuring an old Zarjaz strip by me, Kev Levell and Bolt-01!
The story - The Taking Of Mopad 456 - first appeared waaaay back in Zarjaz 15, and was the first Dredd story I ever wrote for the fanzine (but not the first one published). It was also the only time I ever got to work with Kevin Levell, an artist who was destined to draw Dredd for Tharg if there ever was one - I mean, look at this:
The story was a shamelessly old-school Dredd tale that was an attempt to invoke the classic, early era of the series - so much so, I was adamant that it had to have been done before, and it would be knocked back. To my eternal surprise, though, it hadn't been done and Bolt-01 said he could imagine it was something drawn by Ron Smith - which is still one of the nicest compliments I've had about anything I've written.
Anyway. The strip is available - for free - in Journey Planet #39, or it's available in Zarjaz #15, copies of which are still available from FutureQuake. Zarjaz #15 also includes another Dredd tale by me, Big JIMPin' with David Broughton - so that's two lots of Dredd for your buck! And it has this amazing Edmund Bagwell cover:
Journey Planet #39 is packed to the gills with Dredd-related goodness, including interviews with John Wagner and the lads at Zarjaz, character sketches from the collection of James Bacon, a history of Dredd, extracts from Pat Mills' Be Pure! Be Vigilant! Behave!: 2000AD & Judge Dredd: The Secret History and much, much more that should keep any Dredd-head happy.
The zine is a free to download PDF, available directly from the Journey Planet website.
Also, huge, huge thanks to Michael Carroll for featuring The Taking Of Mopad 456 in the issue!
And just because, here's an old Dredd sketch from Kev himself: