This one kinda snuck up on me, I'll admit, but it looks like I'll have a piece in Dogbreath #25, Best Served Cold, with art by Simon Bennett Hayes:
It's often been said that there's not a lot Strontium Dogs won't do for money, but how far are they prepared to go for revenge...?
I have to come clean here and admit I'm not the biggest Strontium Dog fan in the world, and, outside of Death To The Future, this is my first real foray into writing Johnny Alpha. Whether I've pulled it off, I'll leave it up to the readers...
Dogbreath #25 (and Zarjaz #14) will be available from the FutureQuake shop from March, but the FQ lads will have some advance copies available to buy at Cardiff Comic Expo at the end of the month. It features a cover from future collaborator Stewart Moore that looks a bit like this:
More on both this and Zarjaz later.