Out Now: Zarjaz #32!

Another day, another issue of The Galaxy's Greatest Fanzine hitting the streets... Featuring something written by, er, me!

Alex Paterson, Bolt-01 and me join forces for a one off, never before told tale of the cream of the X-Terminators crop, Joe Pinapples!

It's a simple, routine assassination, the type that the X-Terminators top operative Joe Pineapples could do without ruffling the feathers on his boa. More importantly, it'll be his thirty-seventh consecutive hit - an unheard of record in the history of his unit. If everything goes right, that is...

This is my second run around with Joe Pineapples (the first was way back in Zarjaz #11, sadly out of print), and one I'm actually pretty proud of. I wanted to try something different with the story this time out, so I stripped everything back and tried to make it a pure, over the top action story - something that was helped immensely by Alex Paterson's art.

I've been an admirer of Alex's for a while, and I jumped at the chance to work with him on this; I knew he'd do something special with the story, but I wasn't quite prepared for what. He brings a truly jaw dropping sense of dynamism to the pages and flawlessly captures the action as if it were something from a Jason Statham movies (and, seriously, I defy anyone to read this and not think of Joe being played Statham). It is something truly amazing to read - and I'm not just saying that because I wrote it!

Zarjaz #32 is available from the FutureQuake Shop, priced £3.00 (+ shipping). If you think you can handle the extra Thrill Power, you can also grab back issues from the shop.

Remember: it ain't called Zarjaz for nothin'!
Out Now: Zarjaz #32! Out Now: Zarjaz #32! Reviewed by Lee on 10:37 am Rating: 5
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