Station Ident

This is Imaginary Stories, the blog of a writer who's dusting off this old chestnut. Hi.

Been off the scene, as it were, for a wee while, but I've been busy beavering away at some new projects, believe it or not. More on those as and when I can. In the meantime, you can grab some short prose stories I've written or maybe even check out some freebies - and if you like them, feel free to buy me a coffee.

In the meantime, let me continually disappoint you on Twitter, or go and look at whatever random nonsense I choose to post on Tumblr. I think I may actually still have a Bebo page, too. Because I am forever on the bleeding edge of social media.

Art by Justin Wood. 

Station Ident Station Ident Reviewed by Lee on 10:59 am Rating: 5
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